If you’re like most of us, when this pandemic hit, you went through various stages of emotional changes. In the forefront, there were some very serious existential dilemmas, and in the background– your rediscovering of water painting, 18th century French literature, and figuring out how to do yoga in your 400 square foot apartment. At some point, when all our survivalist & sanitizer concerns had cleared, we felt a deep profound sadness, like when we first saw The Phantom Menace, but worse. We are learning that we need human contact, and communication. The first week maybe you did some meetups, and even Zoom dinners. But, maybe you returned to have dinner with the same couple a few weeks later, and you noticed that when you had nothing new to say… “Still unemployed” , or still “Rediscovering Cheese”. Did we all become BORING? And then come the BIG dilemma.. how do I have fun with people VIRTUALLY? There’s some less-than-interactive trivia nights out there, there’s some sad game attempts, and some live streaming events and concerts that almost scratch that itch. Here is a list of ways to amuse yourself, friends, family, and coworkers in this post apocalypse we call NOW- virtually. But more importantly, these are the ones that don’t suck.
COOKING & COCKTAILS WITH FIT CITY ADVENTURESOk I get it. You’re inundated with mixology or food mixers. Can’t decide which to do? SCREW IT! DO BOTH! Our friends at Fit City have come up with an amazing event that involves both interactive mixology and cooking! The bar kits are mailed in advance and has EVERYTHING including the shaker set, muddler tool, cocktail mix, all garnishes and liquor. The event includes a 30-min class, led by a head chef & director of mixology to help you create the cocktail and the meal!
AMAZING CYBERSPACE RACEWe may not be able to travel the globe right now – but in the virtual world, the sky’s the limit! Race around the globe VIRTUALLY on a worldwide adventure with this UNIQUE, super innovative, & creative event! Using Zoom & Google maps, teams explore the world solving puzzles, completing challenges while exploring famous landmarks and cities. It’ll feel so real, you’ll practically be able to smell the canals of Venice. But you won’t have to- so it’s even better than the real thing. Sort of…
JACKBOX ONLIME GAMESFor your best option in irreverent online party games, these are the best! With a variety of games including the wacky online drawing/guessing game Drawful, the hilariously placed prompt game Quiplash, and the obscure fast paced gameshow: You don’t know jack. To play, only one of your group needs to purchase a game or game pack. Some games are as little as $4.99. Everyone else just needs a link to play off their laptop or smartphone, and for the optimal experience, have everyone operate off their smartphones while sharing the game masters main screen on ZOOM. It’s visual, competitive, funny as hell, and there’s a TON of games.
TINY B CHOCOLATESNext up on the food train of team building surrounds one of our most favorite things in existence- CHOCOLATE! The good folks at Tiny B Chocolate have designed an event where you can create your own Brigadeiros, Brazils signature chocolate truffle! Everyone gets their own BEAUTIFUL box- prettier than a Rio sunset, ok maybe not.. but tastier! Each box contains 3 types of chocolate, 8 distinct toppings and instructions on what the F to do with them. Also the chocolate is gluten free, fair trade, and free of any preservatives. You can have them run through your virtual gathering, and then watch your coworkers moan with pleasure in non-sexual company safe sort of way.
GAMESHOW EXTRAVAGANZALet’s face it, there are a lot of pub trivia nights, or trivia gameshows, and we have tried many of them. Often, it’s a group of folks just monotonously asking questions while everyone turns off the video, and puts their answers into a program. This one stands out– as it is live hosted by some highly energetic, hilarious hosts, and the experience is extremely interactive! The contestants are part of the show as teams are challenged to virtually compete in different types of gameshows, dance offs, music challenges, and even a scavenger hunt! The complexity and variety of challenges this event offers really stands out from the rest, so sign up for a corporate event, or a public event, or for a few extra bucks, they can customize one for your family reunion!
HARRISON KRAMER VIRTUAL LIVE MAGIC & MENTALISM SHOWIf the doldrums and despair of 2020 have gotten you down, maybe you need something to renew your faith in MAGIC…like with magic? Or better yet… a MAGIC SHOW! Harrison Kramer has developed a 15 to 90 minute virtual magic and mentalist show that is highly interactive! You will still get to pick the card, and give suggestions and get BLOWN AWAY! In addition to being a master magician, he is also a Mentalist, which makes him appear psychic through hyper states of brain use, memory, and awareness. Watch him guess what you’ve written on a paper he can’t see from across a ZOOM platform! Maybe you’ve seen a lot on ZOOM, but not this.
NOWHERE COMEDY CLUB- COMEDY or BOOK A ZOOM BOMB!If your company really has ZOOM FATIGUE, or you want to spice up a stale family reunion, have you thought about hiring a Comedy Zoom Bomber? These folks will come to a meeting in a non-assuming way, and just fit in, and then pull some outlandish behavior in the Zoom room! Will your guests laugh hilariously, or cringe in fear? Interactive theater meets Candid Camera in this unusual way of changing the pace, waking ourselves up, and slapping that Zoom fatigue right in the face!
TABLETOPIA- VIRTUAL BOARD GAMESCombat your BOREDOM with BOARD-DOM! Wish you could play online versions of board games with your friends? Now you can with this amazing website that offers over 1000 games to play VIRTUALLY! And if you don’t have friends to play games with on this interface, they offer the chance to make new friends and find people who do want to play…or join an established playgroup. Have fun, meet people, and save money on all of the games you no longer need to buy! Now you can play backgammon with your newest friends in outer Mongolia. The world is OK.
Basically the message is don’t give in to the boredom or despair. There are a lot of new opportunities to do fun and weird things virtually, and connection is connection, and it’s important, even if through a 13 Inch monitor. So go try something new! Meet some new friends! If nothing else, this is now a more global world, and this virtual method of doing events gives you the opportunity to play games with people across the globe, or see performers who live in different areas, and learn things we never had the opportunity to do before. And if all that fails, just call somebody. Or email us at info@feetfrstevents.com with other ideas! We are always looking for wacky fun things to do. Especially those that don’t suck.